Thursday 19 February 2009

More cakes

After the success of the 'insert vehicle name here' cake I carried on and made some more. I bought Carol Deacon's fab Cake Decorating book and made a gardener cake for my mum's birthday. she is gluten and dairy free so I used Nigella's Clementine cake recipe for the base and covered it with fondant and brown sugar.

Then I had a long lost friend come to stay, who had recently had her 30th, and passed some exams, and as we had both had our bellybuttons pierced in our mispent youth, and I figured a flabby belly would not make an attractive cake, I ended up with this!

And lastly PrincessB's 3rd birthday cake. Which was loved and adored, and then eaten!

Valentine Amigurumi

MrB and I do love each other, honest, we just don't like to spend money. Well, not too much.
So for valentine's day we agreed we wouldn't spend money on each other, MrB was going to cook a very delicious dinner, and I made these from a very easy pattern on instructables

Very cute.
And then MrB went and bought flowers and a present.

Friday 13 February 2009


I like baking. I especially like eating my baking.
So imagine my surprise when I discovered that I didn't want anyone to eat my cakes anymore.
I started with a cake for MrB's birthday. I did want to make him a bike, but that seemed too complicated, so I made a car instead. Well, he likes cars too!

24 hours later and it was pure carnage.

Welcome -and a few notes

Hi there, I am MrsB, I live in Wales and am a SAHM to 2 daughters, PrincessB, who has just turned 3, and DangerB who is 16 months.
I have started making things in the last few years since becoming a SAHM so I have decided to record them for posterity here.
I have a problem at the moment in that everything I am currently making is for a craft swap, which is a secret, so I can't share any of the details, so I shall post up details of things I have made already in the meantime.
Thanks for reading.