You will need a FQ size of your playmat base plus a backing fabric (I have used Michael Miller's Merryville and some plain black cotton)
One square of outer bag fabric 14" by 12" ish.
Sewing machine and pins!

Cut the outer fabric in half and one half in half again so you have the shapes here.

Fold the larger part of the outer fabric in half and sew up the sides.

Fold the edges of the 2 strips in and then fold in half. Press and sew down side to make 2 straps

With right sides together sew playmat and backing fabric together all the way round leaving a gap where my fingers are here.
Make sure this gap is at the top of the fabric if it has a pattern!
Turn to right side

Now for the tricky bit. Insert outer bag into the gap you have left in the playmat. Fold the edges of the mat and the bag down and pin together starting at the outer corner to make sure it is level.

Insert the straps on both sides as you are pinning round
I am missing a pic here as my camera battery died but you then top sew around the playmat and bag, backing up over the straps and sewing over again so they are secure. The tricky part is the inner join of the bag and playmat. The easiest way to do this is to sew from the inner join on the back all the way round stopping just at the edge of the bag. Then add the backing fabric under your needle and topstich over both layers of playmat and backing from the very edge of the bag insert all the way round.
If you wish you can sew over the playmat to make sure it doesn't bunch up. I have sewed lines down the roads before now but didn't have time for this one!

This is your bag unfolded. Fold in in three from the left towards your bag, and then fold up from the bottom. Reach into your bag, grab the bottom of the bag and the playmat fabric and pull. You should end up with this!

I hope that makes sense, let me know if it doesn't, thanks!
I am making these to sell at school fairs so would be grateful if people only make these for personal use or gifts. thanks!
(This it my first ever tute, be gentle!)